Frequently Asked Questions

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Estimation are completed within 3 – 15 working days, additional charges may apply. In the opinion of Blulevel, sometimes some estimations take more time. If you do require an estimation completed in a shorter lead time, just let us know.
All estimations are submitted in MS Excel.
We are an experienced estimating team with more than 40 years combined experience in the building and construction industry. All estimators have experience in Single Storey, Double Storey, Unit Developments and Apartment Living projects.
Our office is based in Preston, Victoria. However, our service is provided to Builders all across Australia.

Each estimation will provide you with a final construction price.


Basic Estimation purpose, Early stage price negotiation or Builder’s final review of price.


Standard Estimation purpose, tender price which is suited for a bid against other Builders or the Builder who requires a bill of quantities and construction rates.


Premium Estimation purpose, tender price which is suited for cost plus projects or a preferred Builder who requires a detailed bill of quantities and construction rates.


If you are unsure about which estimation is suited for you, please feel free to give us a call.

Our phone systems are always on during standard working hours, but just like you from time to time we do work outside the standard business hours.
We have experience working on projects over $1.5m and it is quite common for a Builder to engage with us because we are estimating experts and have industry knowledge.
The purpose of the estimations is to set trade & supplier budgets from start to finish which then establishes a final construction cost. Our Estimation covers costs from Development fees, Shire fees through to all aspects of construction and finalising with construction margin added to the construction cost forming a client price.
Blulevel Estimating is not a registered quantity surveyor, some organisations do require a registered quantity surveyor, please refer to the AIQS for more information.
At the bottom of each estimation we provide a percentage guide based on construction cost value. This margin rate can be adjusted by the Builder at any given time.
You want to be able to communicate with your client the total construction cost value. By presenting the Client Cost Report you can show the total sum cost for each cost centre. All costs displayed in this cost report are construction cost + builders margin + overheads.
If you have a query with your estimation, we encourage you to comment inside the estimation and return for the estimator to review.

We upload all construction plans to an on-screen take off program called Bluebeams where we measure all the project quantities. Upon completion of the scheduling, the project is passed to our estimator for completion of the costings. The estimator’s responsibility is to upload completed bill of quantities, assess the project complexity, apply suitable construction rates and finalise the construction estimation. It is the builders responsibility to share all construction plans to ensure your estimation is completed to the best of our ability.


If you do have any further questions please feel free to contact one of our experienced Estimators.

All Construction Estimations are fixed priced

Get a quote on your project or contact us for further details.

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